sunrise gospel hour
bob simpson era *

Bob & Doris Simpson in Chad with pet cat.
Doris went to be with the Lord on the missionfield.

Bob Simpson Family cf. 1958

Bob - Judi - Bobby - Marion

Bob's sixty-fifth Birthday - 1975
Sunrise Gospel Hour Poster - PRE 1952

sunrise tomorrow Was The Show theme song

Sung by norm Jamieson or ron stott

Staff Members Of Sunrise Simpson era

minnie strohschein - Secretary for bob - 45 yrs.

Yvonne Anderson- Jean Olmstead -Duet Marion-Pianist
Russel Reid - Unknown position.

Trio with Violinist Marg Christiansen (with hat)
on Sunrise Road Trip in Foothills of Alberta

George Robinson served as the Sunrise Gospel Evangelist
going on many travelling assignments and also
subbing for Bob on radio when needed.

Calgary Campaign with George Robinson, Sunrise Evangelist

Kathleen Whiteside Irwin
worked in bookstore for Bob Simpson

Norm Jamieson Baritone & ...........................Ron Stott Tenor

Yvonne Anderson, Marion & Norman Jamieson

Sunrise Instrumentalists Marg Christianson - Violin
Bud Toothe - Piano / Norman Jamieson Xylophone

Some Musical Guests & Speakers of Bob's
Canadian Bass-Baritone from Mendelssohn Choir
Howard G. Correll (on left of bob)

Howard Graham Correll 1919 - 2006
Sample Rally Ad Below from Ottawa Citizen - Dec. 16th, 1949

Howard Correll Sings - I Will Pilot Three - mp3

Obituary for Howard Correll - June 16th, 1919 - October 22, 2006 - pdf

Phil & Louie - The Palermos Brothers

World Vision Korean Orphans Choir
brought to Calgary by Sunrise Gospel Hour
& Youth For Christ. The initial tours beforehand of Bob Pierce
to the Prairie Provinces were organized by Bob Simpson and led
to the first real beginnings of World Vision International.

Janz Team in CFCN recording Sunrise Gospel Program

Son of Charles Fuller, Dan was the Speaker for an 1948 Western Canada Wide Tour with the Old Fashioned Revival Hour Quartet with renowned pianist
Rudy Atwood.

Various Combinations of the Famed Blackwood Brothers

Popular American Evangelist Jim Mercer was a frequent guest of Bob's
He was a close associate of Billy Graham, who once was asked, who
he would get to pray for him in a serious situation. His answer was
right away, 'Jim Mercer.'

Bob Simpson and Jimmie Mercer outside York Hotel
A high class Hotel of it's day, it was the favored accomodation spot
for Sunrise speakers and musical guests.
Below is a Harvest Report from Jimmie Mercer From Canada
April 1951 & A Note from Premier Ernest Manning.

Jim Mercer preaching in the USA.

Jim Mercer Preaching mp3's

The Face of Christ-Jim Mercer.mp3


The Christian Race-Jim Mercer.mp3

Lem Stroud - Another of Bob's Speaking Guests

Evangelist Rev. John Gamble and Soloist/Songleader travelled as a team.

Sunrise Gospel Bookroom

Simpson era
2nd Last Location Front of Store
817 - 1st Street S.E. Calgary

Note Easter Display in Front (Bob Simpson Era)
Moody Choral Group Poster on left

Sunrise Ink Blotter (nd)

Below : Last Location in Grain Exchange Building
Corner of 9th Ave. & 1st Street S.W.

Youth For Christ Movement
Bob was the first Western Canadian Director

Youth for Christ Magazine , April 1951 - pdf

Youth for Christ 25th Year Anniversary Booklet - pdf

Torrey Johnson Came To Calgary
with a Little known Speaker At the Time
A Young Billy Graham

A Young Billy Graham was the first staff
member hired by Torrey Johnson and traveled
with him in the early days,coming to Calgary once
when he was a virtual 'unknown.\.

Excerpt on p.31 Tells of An Interesting
experience with Calgary Snowstorm
& A Case Of Mistaken Identity!

Merv Rosell - Speaker
Hilding Halverson - Songleader

Hilding Halverson Leads Songs at Lethbridge YFC Rally

Youth For Christ Became Known in the Fifties for
Flamboyant and Lively SongLeading
Here is a young Cliff Barrows, later music director
for Billy Graham in the Crusades, but the Youth For Christ rallies
is where they first teamed togeather.

5th Anniversary Youth For Christ Rallies (1950?)
at Calgary Grace Presbyterian
with Rev. T.W. Wilso and The Four Flats Quartet
of Oregon.

Four Flats Quartet of Oregon

Stuart Hamblen Rally 1952

Giant Youth For Christ Rally with Stuart Hamblen, June 1952
Calgary Stampede Corral Jammed with 10,000
Heavy Spring SnowStorm Threatens Attendance it was feared>
Speaker landed by plane, and almost headed back to USA.

Norman Jamieson Leads In Singing

Saturday Night Youth For Christ Rallies
at the Western Canada High School, Calgary
More to Come.....

Youth For Christ Policy Statement - 1951
Notice the last paragraph on the styles of Rallies.

Youth for Christ memories

Special Youth For Christ New testament Edition

YFC Anniversary Pin - no date

Norman Jamieson & George Robinson - Japan, Asia YFC Tour

All Eyes Watching The Screen
as Youth For Christ Film in Japan Begins

General MacArthur Encouraged Gospel Witness in post-war Japan
He wrote the Japan National Constitution which set off
a rapid recovery in the nation's stability and economy.
It had much to do with the freedom to share the Gospel In SE Asia in those days.
(Ad in Youth For Christ Magazine - April 1951)

Bob Simpson's Political Career as
a Calgary City Alderman (1971-1980)
An MLA for Calgary North (1963-1971)

Bob Simpson and Senator Ernest C. Manning - 1987


Bob Simpsons Holyland Tours

1979 Tour Brochure
Bob Simpson was the first to organize HolyLand
tours drawing from a Province Wide Listener Base.

Sunrise Gospel Hour
Film Library

Sunrise Staffer Joe Gaston Often Worked
In This Department

Some of Those Favorite Films
Listing Below

Ye Olde Faithful Sonrise Slide Projector
The Visual Heavy Artillery of The Time

Mr Texas - 1st Billy Graham Evangelistic
Association Christian Western
Starring Redd Harper & Cindy Walker

Bob Simpson Family Visits Redd Harper
At His Home in California
Bob no doubt
Had Much To Do With Promoting This Film
in Western Canada.
